A comedy benefit starring Jomo & The Possum Posse, Cami & Zach, Jasmine Ellis and Angelina Martin. Also featuring a premier reading of a short comedy by Max Langert, Sunday Slugg'rz, with...
Our fourth variety show, this time benefiting the wonderful people at VELA Families. With storytelling, music, standup and much, much more. Featuring: Laura Freeman, Anna Larson, Courthouse...
We're going to help pay for a new industrial-strength washing machine for 75 abandoned children in the Congo. Currently, the overworked staff oversees the HAND washing of 75 sets of clothes a...
Featuring Jomo & The Possum Posse, Luna Tart, and a flock of storytellers, musicians, poets and plays in an interactive experience surrounded by beautiful birds. We'll have custom-made desserts,...
For one night only comes a convergence of music, art, plays, stories and cephalopods. All proceeds go to the Autism Society of Central Texas on their 25th anniversary. We’ve got new...
NOTE that if a show is SOLD OUT, we will take waitlist requests as 2-3 people have been no-shows at the door each night; please email waitlist requests to max.langert@gmail.com ********** An...